Vol. 24# 4
Rev. Kametaro Nakayama, Relying on Kami as your cane - continued from March
My mother became very unsure about my future and was very worried. This was because most of the people in my neighborhood worked in the mines, so they can be unpleasant.
They would gossip to say things such as, ``What's the point of raising a one-legged child? Wouldn't it be better to sell him for a spectacle and remarry?''
When my mother learned that such things were being said behind her back, she couldn't just feel pity for her son. Even now, when her crying, bullied child eventually develops self awareness, my mother worried how much he will suffer from losing his limbs. After dwelling on such thoughts, she began thinking his true happiness would be to end his life. She couldn't possibly continue living after killing her child, so she decided to end both of their lives. So, she decided to visit the church to nonchalantly say farewell to the minister who had helped her thus far.
As she stood at the entrance to the church, gently clasping her hands together and bowing behind the partitioning screen, she noticed two or three wooden sandals. The minister was speaking softly to a group of people, but suddenly in a loud voice said, “Practice faith with a worried heart.”
My surprised mother turned her head and listened as she felt the minister was speaking to her. The minister continued, ``If you use a golden cane, it will bend; if you use a bamboo or wooden cane; it will break; If you rely on Kami as your cane, you will be at ease.''
While listening to the minister's story in the hallway, my mother felt, “Even a cane made of gold can bend, and a bamboo or wooden cane can break easily. If I rely on Kami as my cane, it won't bend or break. If I rely and leave everything to Kami, I’ll be fine. As I struggled to figure out what to do using my own strength, I became worried, the future seemed dark, and thoughts of suicide arose. There is great significance given by Kami in the fact that a person with one limb who lost both hands and one leg was able to live until today.” My mother approached the minister to hear more about his story.
The teachings my mother received at that time made her heart strong like iron. After these sudden realizations, she became even more devoted to her faith.
My mother, who was standing on the edge of death and darkness, was revived by Kami’s heart, and with Kami as her cane, she was able to live a strong and successful life with hope for my future. This was possible through the guidance she received during mediation.
To be continued in next issue
Konko Church of Gardena and Los Angeles Announcements
Morning Service, Cleanup, and Shinto-kai Meeting
On April 7, the morning service will be held at 9 a.m. After praying and cleaning the inside and outside of the church, the Gardena Church Shinto-kai meeting will be held. If you are interested, please join us.
Film Festival (Movie Night)
Beginning Friday, April 12, at 6:00 p.m. we will be hosting Movie Nights at the Konko Church of Gardena. We will begin by showing episodes 1 and 2 of Shogun. Please join us for a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. with the movie beginning at 7. We plan to show two episodes each night with a 15-minute break in between episodes for restroom and dessert. Since there will be ten episodes of Shogun, the plan is to have 5 Movie Nights, every other Friday. At this time, the 2nd Movie Night is scheduled for April 26 (showing episodes 3 and 4).
Everyone is welcome to join us, whether church member or not. Even those who have already watched Shogun at home might want to attend for the potluck dinner, to watch the movie again, and perhaps a discussion afterwards of what happened.
We hope everyone will attend on April 12th. To give us an idea of how many chairs to set up and how much food to have, it would be nice if you could let Diane Jung know if you are coming. It is also OK to come even if you haven’t RSVP’d. See you then.
April Monthly Service and From Farmer to Founder Group Discussion
The April Monthly service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on April 14th. After the service and lunch, a study session on the From Farmer to Founder - biography of Konko Daijin will be held from 12:00 to 1:00. All participants are asked to bring their book.
Gardena Church Work Committee Workshop
The GCWC will be meeting on Sunday, April 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will be discussing From Farmer to Founder The Life of Konko Daijin. Please let Rev. Uzunoe know if you would like to attend.
Gardena Church Shinto-kai Chicken Curry Rice Sale
Please join us on Sunday, April 28 for the Chicken Curry Rice Sale. The curry will be served with potatoes and carrots with options of Mild or Medium Hot for $8.50. Order forms are available below. The deadline to order is April 22. Thank you!