Vol. 23 # 8

In the general sense of prayer, I would like to talk about prayers that believers make on a daily basis.
Prayer is an exchange of hearts between Kami and people. So how to pray can be translated into the question of how to get one’s point across. In other words, how do we deal with obstacles to communication.
When it comes to interacting with Kami, the first thing that comes to mind is to be single-minded and earnest. No one would argue that this is important to prayer.
VU168 ― “Praying to Kami single-heartedly means that you do not turn around once you have clapped your hands and faced the altar, even if a spear pokes you. Your single heartedness won’t reach Kami if you allow yourself to be distracted by background sounds and voices.”
When communicating with Kami, your level of sincerity is also important. Making random requests and trying to make yourself seem sincere by selecting “an appropriate” time and place” does not reflect a deep level of sincerity. Konko Daijin tells us to "Pray with a sincere heart anytime, anywhere." 165 Do not make selfish requests. Instead, rely on Kami. Selfish desires puts distance between Kami and people and hinders true communication. In that sense, prayer is a way for Kami to understand who we really are, and for the person who prays to become aware of themselves as they really are.
When praying, what is even more important is to communicate with truthfulness regardless of the method of prayer. Konko Daijin’s teachings constantly remind us of this.
VU169 ―“No matter how grateful you may look when you recite the words of prayers, it is equal to telling lies to Kami unless you do it with sincerity in your heart. When you worship, you need not clap your hands loudly. Kami can hear even a small sound. When you pray, you do not have to do it loudly or in a peculiar intonation. Pray as you would talk to people.
VU66 ― “There is no particular way to worship Kami. Just be sincere, conscientious, honest, and sincerely single-hearted. Give thanks for being able to live from day to day and apologize for the irreverence, carelessness, and arrogance that you commit unknowingly. Then with sincerity, tell any personal requests that you may have to Kami.”
VU170 ― “At first, I recited the chanting prayer chant ten thousand times a week. When I mentioned this to Konko Daijin, he said, “Don’t practice faith through prayers. Sincerity is essential.” “Purifying your hands and mouth before praying to Kami is meaningless unless you also purify your heart. You cannot purify your heart with fire or water. Purify it with true wholeheartedness, and practice faith.”
Whether or not there is truth in one's heart depends on whether or not one is able to pray with true sincerity. This means praying as if your life depends on it. It is not a question of using specific words of worship, practicing formal worship etiquette, or whether or not a person is adhering to strict religious practices.
Prayer should become a daily practice. Konko Daijin taught:
VU167 ― “Practicing faith is not especially difficult. When you get up in the morning, give thanks and pray for a good day, as if you are talking to your parents. When you go out, inform Kami that you are leaving. And when you return home give thanks for returning home safely. Also, before going to sleep, give thanks for that day. This is practicing faith.
As human beings who are always with Kami, we are required to pray in our daily lives much the same way as we pray before the Kami altar. By living in prayer and praying while living, the communion between Kami and people will extend to all aspects of life. It is important to put special thoughts into your prayers but not treat your prayers as something special.
Gardena Church Events
Morning Service
On Sunday, August 6th, we will be serving prayers from 9:00AM. After the prayers, the inside and outside of the church will be thoroughly cleaned. After lunch there will be a Shinto-kai meeting.
August Monthly Service
On the second Sunday of August 13th, the August Monthly Service will be held from 10:00AM at Mediation Hall.
Los Angeles Church Events
August Monthly Service
On the 4th Sunday of August 27th, from 11:00AM, we will serve the August Monthly Service at Gardena Church’s Mediation Hall.
Konko Churches of North America Events
The KCNA Conference Committee’s meeting will be held on August 6th at 1:30PM.
The KCNA Conference/Preconference will be held a August 15-20, 2023, at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Youth Camp: 8/15-18
Young Adult Seminar: 8/16-18
Family Camp: 8/17-18
Spirituality Bridge: 8/17-18
Conference 8/18-20