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December 2024 Voice of the Divine Parent

Vol. 24# 12

Rev. Kametaro Nakayama - Mother and Child's Path - continued from November

It is said that "a wise mother is better than a hundred teachers." Children grow up with their mother's love, but within that love lies contradictions. For example, too much love can sometimes hinder a child’s independence, or a parent may impose their desired school or career path, disregarding the child's individuality. Some parents entrust their dreams to their children, while others live solely a mother-child centered life.

A wise mother is one who recognizes the instinctual side of her love and refines it into a more positive, supportive form.

Schiller said, "A woman can be weak, but a mother is strong." Although a mother's love does not surpass Kami’s love, it is the most intense feeling in the world and has the greatest positive effect on children. Napoleon also said, "Mothers shape their children's futures." The stronger the love, the more compassion and wisdom is needed. A mother’s love will be a guiding light and strength throughout the child’s life, especially in times of adversity.

Raising a child is not just about supporting their physical growth. Parents should not talk about their sacrifices and expect gratitude in return for raising their children. Children understand their parents' struggles. When parents bear these challenges in silence, children may be empathetic and learn from their example. Also, words spoken casually with the intention of encouraging a child may have the opposite effect.

We can understand the feelings of Mencius' mother, who moved for her child, as in the story of "Meng Mu's Three Moves." However, in today's world, it is also necessary to raise children with a broad perspective, rather than prioritizing just one child.

The idea that only your own child matters may actually be detrimental to the child. Children are not the property of their parents, but members of society and are entrusted to us by Kami. Therefore, neglecting them or treating them poorly should be avoided.

Live together with Kami

This story is an episode of devotion between a minister and a believer.

One day, a woman came to the church for the first time. As the minister was thinking, "This is her first time coming to the church," the woman began to tell him, "A neighbor told me to go to the church and ask for help, so I came." When the minister asked her, she confessed her troubles, "I have poor eyesight and I want to work to make a living, but I can't find a place that will hire me." She then said, "I was told that if I asked Kami, I might be able to find a job."

The minister prayed and conveyed her feelings to Kami. After that, she visited the church every day and asked, "Will I be able to find a job sooner if I pray daily?" and continued to visit the church diligently.

One day, a neighbor suggested to her, "Why don't you try delivering the Yakult products? It is your neighborhood so you should be familiar with the area." She gladly agreed to the suggestion and began delivering. Gradually, her reputation spread, and more people asked her to deliver to their homes, and she boasted the highest sales in the area. She visited the church and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thanks to Kami, I was able to find a good job."

One time, while making a delivery, she fell off her bicycle by the bank of a rice field and was unable to move. At that moment, she heard her minister's voice from the top of the bank and was saved. However, the minister was not actually there. Still, she was convinced that "Kami had saved me in the form of the minister" and was grateful.

For this woman, delivering Yakult was a job that Kami had given her. She was not concerned about the reason she received this job; she simply rejoiced in this opportunity that Kami had given her, and continued to practice her faith with all her heart. Her single-minded faith was in accordance with Kami's will which became a divine virtue, bringing about a miraculous event.

This story teaches us that faith is not about logic, but rather the importance of being grateful for the things we have been given and increasing our faith every day.

To be continued in next issue

Exercises for the Mind/Heart/Spirit

008 Give thanks from within your bed

It is a blissful feeling the moment you crawl into bed at the end of the day when getting ready to sleep.

Being wrapped in your blanket brings peace to both body and mind—it is like being embraced in the arms of a divine presence. Before you fall asleep, take a moment to say,

“Thank you for another day.”

Konko Church of Gardena and Los Angeles Announcements

December Monthly Service

The December monthly service of Gardena and Los Angeles churches will be held on Sunday,  December 1st at 10:00 a.m. to accommodate KCNA schedules. Please note that this monthly service will be held on the first Sunday of December.

KCNA House of Delegates Meeting (HOD)

The Konko Churches of North America House of Delegates will be held on Saturday, December 7th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the New Gardena Hotel in Gardena, CA. Anyone can observe, so please join if you are interested. (No voting rights. No lodging or meals provided.)

KCNA Ministry Board of Review Meeting (MBR)

The Konko Church of North America Ministry Board of Review meeting will be held on Sunday, December 8th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the New Gardena Hotel in Gardena, CA. Anyone can observe, so please participate if you are interested. (No voting rights. No accommodation or meals provided.)

Mochi pounding event

The annual mochi pounding event will be held from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday, December 22nd at the Gardena Church Dining Hall. Anyone is welcome to participate. Please bring small children and grandchildren. Mochi pounding in a mortar will begin around 11:00 am. We will also have bean paste and kinako mochi. Any leftovers can be taken home. This is a great opportunity for your children to experience Japanese culture. We look forward to your participation.

The Year End Appreciation Service

The Year End Appreciation Service will be held on Sunday, December 29th at 10:00 a.m. This is a service to give appreciation for the divine blessings we have received over the past year and to apologize to Kami and other people for our neglected irreverences. After the service, everyone will clean the inside and outside of the church, and enjoy traditional soba and udon.

* Toshikoshi soba has the following meanings and origins: Because soba is easier to break than other noodles, it is eaten with the hope of cutting off the misfortunes and hardships of the year and not carrying them over to the next year. Also, because soba is thin and long, it is also eaten with the hope of longevity and good fortune.

A Meditation Sheet is below. Please fill out the form with your family's information including your appreciation and apologies for what you have received in 2024, and any requests for 2025. Please send it by email, mail, or bring it to the church on the day of the service.

New Year's Day Service

This is a service to make new wishes and pray for the new year with gratitude and renewed spirit. The service will be held on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 9 a.m. After the service, we will drink New Year's (Omiki) sacred sake and prepare ozoni and osechi. Let's all celebrate the New Year together.


© 2014 by Konkō Church of Gardena. All rights reserved.

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