Vol. 23 # 6

Rev. Konko Kagamitaro - The Fourth Konko-sama
Rev. Kagamitaro Konko said that the things we take for granted should not actually be taken for granted. Everything is a blessing from heaven and earth, and the workings of heaven and earth nurture all things. He taught that these blessings and workings are the way of heaven and earth. We are able to live our lives within these blessings.
Konko Daijin taught – “The Universe sustains life continuously. Since the Universe is alive, all people are able to live."
[Voice of the Universe #2]
Konko Daijin also said - “There are people who claim that the nature of the Universe is this way or that, but nobody really knows. If they did, they would be able to stop the rise and fall of the tides.”
[Voice of the Universe #13]
The blessings and functions of heaven and earth are not occurrences that can simply be taken for granted. Not being aware of these things and doing everything with one’s own strength is an irreverence to heaven and earth. “Society today is knowledge oriented. People create logical explanations for events, and do not recognize the divine favors of the Universe. This is the reason why difficulties increase.”
[Voice of the Universe #71]
I would like to share an experience from Rev. Konko’s life that exemplifies how he lived amidst the blessings of the Universe. The following stories show how the Universe allows us to conduct our daily lives thanks to the blessings which we receive continuously.
I believe that we should not take things for granted nor disregard the ordinary daily occurrences just because they may seem normal
In our normal daily routine, for example, we wash our face in the morning. Although I am the one washing my own face, I do not believe the act of washing is the first thing we should be grateful for.
You can wash your face because there are conditions and blessings that allow us to wash our faces. The existence of water, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and washcloths, in addition to our ability to move our bodies and limbs are blessings that allow us to wash our face. This shows that there is much more to the simple act of washing one’s face.
I study because I am able to study.I cook because I am able to cook.If we think about everything in this way, everything we do, every move we make, we do because we are able to. Although I am the one who will partake in all these activities, I am grateful for the blessings of the Universe as I could not accomplish these activities without them.
And from that, I can't help but think about how amazing our lives are that we are able to move, think, walk, and work. We are living because we have life. This may seem obvious, but I am deeply reminded of the fact that we have been bestowed with life and all the functions of life that enable us to live.
I don't remember when I was a baby, but every time I see a baby and the bestowed workings of life, it feels miraculous and precious, and I am filled with gratitude. For example, the behavior of suckling is not learned, but is a natural instinct.
In the midst of the blessings of the Universe, I learned to crawl and gradually learned how to use a bowl and chopsticks. I am deeply reminded that we continue to learn various skills due to the daily blessings we receive.
My youngest grandson is only a year old and doesn't speak much, but understands what I'm saying. If I ask him to close the door, he will close it. He listens to what I say, makes a decision, walks to the door, and closes it. This may seem minor but when you think about it, it is accomplished due to the intricate workings of life. I believe I am able to play with my grandchild because we both receive the blessings which allow us to engage with each other.

The following poem flows from me:
What I say is understood
by my one-year-old grandchild
The miraculous work
of a bestowed life
When I see a child grow up, I am happy to see them start walking and say how many steps they have taken today. I become excited when the child begins to communicate, even with single words.
At times like this, I would never say that they could only walk a few steps or could only say so much. I would be happy that they were able to walk this much and say that much. I can't help but rejoice that this was accomplished because of the functions of life provided to a young child.
If you think about it this way, rather than saying that they were only able to eat this much or could only do that much, we should be grateful that they received the blessings to be able to eat and do as much as they can. Given the same situation, I think there are people who will complain about it in addition to people who will be happy about it.
When we say we respect others, it goes without saying that we must also respect the lives they live. Unfortunately, many times, this is not the case. The purpose of our hearts is to be respectful of the lives given to us all. It is my wish that we all respect and cherish the workings of the Universe and not be disrespectful and impolite to others. Even if it’s only a little, I hope to be of service to the world.
Announcements from Gardena Church
Sunday, June 4, will be the morning service and church clean-up. Please come to the church at 9 am. Following the clean-up will be the Shinto-kai meeting. At 1:00, we will hold the Conference Committee meeting.
Sunday, June 11, will be the Gardena Church monthly service at 10 am. After the luncheon, we will hold the Konko Daijin Biography study group. We will discuss Chapter 4. Please read this section and bring any thoughts and questions to the group.
Announcements from Los Angeles Church
Saturday, June 24 - A celebration of life for Rev. Alfred Yoshihisa Tsuyuki will be held at 12 noon.