Vol. 23 # 11
Konko Church of Gardena 70th Anniversary
and 140th Anniversary of the Ikigami Konko Daijin
The Konko Church of Gardena is celebrating its 70th anniversary thanks to the passionate faith of Rev. and Mrs. Isao Goto, who worked tirelessly to help people through the mediation of Konko Daijin. When they arrived as immigrants to the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Goto were worshiping devotedly at the Konko Church of Los Angeles under the direction of Head Minister Rev. Toshitsugu Kandori. However, Rev. Kandori's wife passed
away due to lung disease. Soon after, Rev. Kandori himself suffered from lung disease, so he too had to return to Japan. The church, which had lost its Head Minister, gradually began to feel desolate. Mr. Goto was a passionate believer and was loved by everyone. There was a strong request from the believers and from Rev. Yoshiaki Fukuda of the San Francisco Church for Mr. Goto to begin performing mediation. After deep consideration of the profound blessings of his home church in Japan, although he was not a minister, on March 10, 1935, on the condition that a successor would arrive, Mr. Goto took over the missionary work and became a mediator at the Los Angeles church.
When he began, only five or six people would come to worship, but later on, 40 or 50
people came to church, and the hall became too small to accommodate them. After discussion, it was decided to build a new church, and construction began in July 1938. The inauguration ceremony for the new building was held on December 19 of the same year. (Current Los Angeles Church Hall) Then, in the spring of 1940, Mr. Isao Goto began missionary work at 1116 Tennessee St. Sawtelle Afterwards, Mr. Goto trained at the Headquarters in Japan and was ordained as a Konko minister. After returning to the United States, he opened a Propagation Hall on Coter Ave. in the Sawtelle area on March 25, 1941. But Japan and the U.S. went to war in December of that year and Rev. Goto was taken into custody by the FBI.
After the war, Rev. Goto and his wife returned to Los Angeles and on March 6, 1953, established the Konko Church of West Los Angeles on Arlington Ave. Seven years later, it was renamed the Konko Church of Hollywood, after its geographical proximity to Hollywood. At that time, people of Japanese ancestry faced racial prejudice and barriers between rich and poor. Their lives were difficult, but every time people visited the church, they were filled with passionate devotion and deep emotion. The church became a source of emotional support for them, and they gradually came to appreciate it. Rev. Goto guided the worshipers earnestly and politely, enthusiastically explained the teachings of the founder, visited believers who were suffering from illness regardless of whether they were near or far, and sincerely prayed for their recovery. However, the security situation in the Arlington area became unstable, and in consideration of the safety of the worshipers, it was decided to move the church to Gardena.
On June 5, 1977, a new church was dedicated, and missionary work began anew as the Konko Church of Gardena. After the church moved to Gardena, many children and grandchildren came to worship with their parents, Sunday School was established, and the church was very active and lively. After Rev. Goto and his wife passed away, Rev. Shiro Takeda took over and devoted himself to the work for ten years. After Rev. Shiro Takeda passed away, Rev. Sadako Takeda took over his duties, and while navigating these unfamiliar waters, she sincerely prayed to the spirits of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Isao Goto. She was devoted to her work. In 2001, Rev. Nobuharu Uzunoe, who came from the Portland church, moved to the church to assist Rev. Sadako Takeda. After that, Rev. Sadako Takeda completed her duties, and was succeeded by Rev. Nobuharu Uzunoe, who is the current Head Minister. Today, we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of this Church.
The 70th anniversary celebration is made possible by the efforts of the first Head Minister and his wife, as well as past church Head Ministers and members of the church, and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to them.Using this 70th anniversary ceremony as a foundation, it makes me think about what kind of divine blessings we should receive from now on. Coincidentally, this year marks 140 years since the founder Konko Daijin became a true Kami. It has been 70 years since Rev. and Mrs. Goto established the church.Rev. Goto, while receiving the Mediation of Konko Daijin, has found helping people to be a source of faith, and has carried out the work of relaying people's difficulties to Kami and conveying Kami's wishes to people.
On October 1, 8, and 10, the 140th Ikigami Konko Daijin Grand Ceremony was beautifully held at the Main Worship Hall in Japan. The Ikigami Konko Daijin Ceremony is a service to praise the virtues of the founder, Konko Daijin, to express our gratitude for the manifestation of the work of Kami through the mediation of Konko Daijin which lives forever, and to express our gratitude for the work of Kami to be manifested in this land of America. It is a ceremony of prayer.
This year marks 140 years since the founder passed away. Rather than emphasizing that the founder has passed away, it is important to acknowledge the loss of his physical form to become one with Kami. The mediation of Ikigami Konko Daijin works in eternity, and through that meditation, the work of Kami is manifested through people forever. The founder, Konko Daijin, said the following to his followers:
Hachitaro Shimamura: “Though I am called Ikigami Konko Daijin, my physical body subjects me to heat and cold. By leaving my body to become one with Kami, I will not be limited in being able to protect people.”
Gihe’e Fukushima: Konko Daijin said, “The moon may disappear behind clouds, but it is still there. My physical form will also disappear someday, but I will still be here. Konko Daijin shall live forever . Without flustering over whether my physical form exists or not, practice faith single-heartedly and sincerely. Your life will blossom like a beautiful flower and be filled with the fruits of divine virtue.”
Hearing these unexpected words, I leaned forward and asked, “And when will your form disappear? “I won’t tell anyone, but Kami will tell those with sincerity. Wherever the person with sincerity may be, Kami will inform him,” he answered. Konko Daijin cannot save people as he wishes if he has a body.When he dies, he becomes one with Kami and can freely help people. If you go to the place where they ask you to come and help them, after his death, he hoped that he would live on forever and fulfill his role as the main mediator between Kami and people.
I will introduce the Divine Messages of Konko Daijin, who gradually gained the trust of Kami after devoting himself to mediation, and was praised as a kami by the Divine Parent of the Universe.
1 Give recognition as kami: “Konko Daijin, henceforth, you shall be upheld as a kami. You have revealed the virtue and influence of Tenchi No Kami to the world. I am grateful. Konko Daijin, I express thanks and am saying all these things for you to keep them in mind from now on.” This divine message tells of the divinity of the Kami that Konko Daijin worships, and also explains that 11 years have passed since Kami first requested a favor, and through Konko Daijin's mediation, Kami's mighty power has gradually increased. Examples are given for what has come to appear. Konko Daijin was then recognized as a kami.
2 The same core as the Universe: Kami spoke, “You, Ikigami Konko Daijin, have been performing mediation for the Divine Parent of the Universe for 13 years. With much patience, you have accumulated divine virtue and you have become one with the Universe. I, Tenchi Kane no Kami, give my thanks. I cannot be more thankful.”
3 Sent from Kami: “Though they live between Heaven and Earth, people are unaware of Kami’s blessings. Shrines, temples, and homes stand on Kami’s land. Unaware of this, people only examine the Days and Directions and commit irreverences to Kami and encounter hardships due to their accumulated offenses. They are to practice faith and receive divine blessings. Tenchi Kane No Kami has sent Ikigami Konko Daijin to the people to give blessings and teachings and to have them prosper forever. ’Kami is Kami because of people and people are people because of Kami. Both continue to uphold each other.” To save society, a people troubled because they ignored the principles of the Universe, Tenchi Kane No Kami revealed the Divine will to Konko Daijin to actualize a world where Kami and people uphold each other’s well-being through the practice of mutual reliance.
4 Same as Divine Parent: Early on the morning of October 25, 1881, Konko Daijin was told,“You have realized the same virtue as Kami.” When Konko Daijin answered, “I am filled with awe,” Kami said, “There is no need to be in awe. People are being saved because of you. Kami cannot directly help people recover when their eyes go blind or when they are ill. You are able to help with blindness, illnesses, troubled lives, and all other problems that affect people and other living things like birds and animals.” Kami admired Konko Daijin for finally realizing that his work was the same as the workings of Kami. Here we see another example of how Konko Daijin broadened his understanding of Kami’s virtue.
5 Rebirth as a kami: Early on the morning of September 21, nineteen days before Konko Daijin’s death, Kami revealed, “For the sake of people and to help those in need, you will be reborn as a kami. This is to allow and recognize the eternity of Konko Daijin’s divine virtue.” Be at ease knowing that despite his passing, Konko Daijin’s role of saving people will continue. His virtue will be manifested throughout the world.
Through Konko Daijin, those who committed irreverences to the Universe were able to realize blessings and those who were suffering were saved through Mediation. Konko Daijin shared people’s sufferings as if they were his own, praying and apologizing to Kami with them. Konko Daijin’s sincerity was consistent throughout. Konko Daijin was honored to be able to help save people as a representative of Kami through Mediation.
In 1881, Konko Daijin was considered the same as Kami, and Kami honored Konko Daijin with the ability to grant any person’s wishes. Konko Daijin’s prayer to embody Kami’s work beyond his life was described in his following words, “I cannot become one with Kami unless I leave this world.
Just as Kami does not have a form or shape, I will not be visible after I die.” This revelation refers to Konko Daijin’s death and his becoming one with Kami. Kami wished for Konko Daijin to continue saving people as he had been throughout his lifetime, even after his death.
This was revealed through Kami’s revelation, “ Ikigami Konko Daijin will live and work forever as a kami. This will also be the eternal virtue of Ikigami Konko Daijin.” For Konko Daijin, the end of his hundred days of faith training was approaching and he was grateful to have been able to serve at the Worship Hall during that time and every day for the past twenty-seven years. After receiving the Divine Call, Konko Daijin lived for the salvation of all people and even in death he would continue to do the same. Kami knew Konko Daijin would be pleased to continue to save people even after his physical death.
The Mediation of Konko Daijin is to reveal to the world a path in which Kami and people can live together, and Kami and people can interact in the world of prayer. This is what Konko Daijin promised 140 years ago.
Konko Daijin taught us “There is nothing you cannot receive through requests. Request through Konko Daijin. You can receive divine blessings for all your requests.” [RIKAI II-2 Shiota Mohachi]. He promised that he would help us. He also said “No matter how well-educated or how smart you are, merely having knowledge about the faith of Kami is not enough. You cannot receive Kami’s virtue unless the teachings of the faith are deeply absorbed into your heart and your faith is expressed in your life.” III [Jinkyu kyogoroku 151] This is because it is not enough to just know the teachings of Konko Daijin. We are taught that we must actually manifest Kami in our lives and live every life with faith. He is adamant that even if you understand the teachings of Konko Daijin in your head, unless you put them into practice in your life, you won't be able to see the benefits.
Marking these 140th and 70th years, those who follow and believe in Konko Daijin, will manifest the work of Kami through the process of Konko Daijin's mediation above all else, and transcend words in this society. We must be grateful for being able to manifest Kami’s heart within ourselves. At this moment, I pledge to myself that I would like to receive the virtues of the first head minister Rev. Isao Goto and his wife, and that I would be grateful to them for manifesting the work of Kami through the Mediation of Konko Daijin.
Considering the meaning of 140 years and 70 years after receiving the teachings of Konko Daijin and the divine message of the Divine Parent of the Universe, we must believe the importance of receiving Konko Daijin's Mediation above everything else. Through this, we must manifest the work of Kami, receive blessings, and carefully convey the gratitude we have received to others. Now, let us receive the passion of faith of Rev. Isao Goto and his wife and manifest the work of Kami through the Mediation of Ikigami Konko Daijin.
Rev. Nobuharu Uzunoe
Announcements from Gardena Church
Morning Service, Cleanup & Shinto-kai meeting
On November 5, morning prayers will be held at 9:00 a.m. After the morning service, let us polish our hearts by cleaning the inside and outside of the church together. The Shinto-kai meeting will be held after lunch. Everyone is welcome to attend.
140th Ikigami Konko Daijin Grand Ceremony and 70th year Anniversary Ceremony
Please join us for the Ikigami Konko Daijin Grand Ceremony and the 70th year Anniversary Ceremony to be held on November 12 at 11:00 a.m. We will also be commemorating the 140th Anniversary since the passing of our Founder, Konko Daijin.
Announcements from Los Angeles Church
140th Ikigami Konko Daijin Grand Ceremony and One-year Anniversary of Rev. Alfred Tsuyuki
Please join us for the Ikigami Konko Daijin Grand Ceremony and the one-year Anniversary of Rev. Alfred Tsuyuki to be held on November 26 at 11:00 a.m. We will also be commemorating the 140th Anniversary since the passing of our Founder, Konko Daijin.